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CASTLEVANIAСообщений: 87  *  Дата создания: 30 марта 2008, 18:01  *  Автор: ]I[ZELGIOD]I[
30 марта 2008, 23:45
Want emancipation?
Стаж: 17 лет
Постов: 1696
Persona 5
Эта тема предназначена для обсуждения игры. Темы помощи находятся здесь: Castlevania Chronicles | Castlevania (Aria of Sorrow) | Castlevania (Curse of Darkness) | Castlevania (Lament of Innocence) | Castlevania (Symphony of the night)

31 марта 2008, 06:34
Стаж: 10 лет
Постов: 1071
не в Hearthstone )
Game the Throne
 ]I[ZELGIOD]I[ @ 31 марта 2008, 00:50 
Кстати,в самом начале игры рядом с воротами в земле есть каменная плита.Помоему её можно как-то открыть.Ты случайно не знаешь как это можно сделатиь?

Играть в Saturn версию. На Playstation это сделать нельзя, вроде. Правда, с помощью сохранения из Game Guru оказаться там можно, также как и получить помощников из японской версии игры (носатый демон и поющая фея), но ничего особенного в них нет, разве что фея прикольную песенку споет на японском языке, если сесть Алукардом на стул и подождать.
31 марта 2008, 08:29
Do Expect Me To Talk?
Стаж: 13 лет
Постов: 7482
NBA Live 18 (PS4), Risen 3 (PS3)
138-й платиной
 Ferum @ 31 марта 2008, 05:34 
На Playstation это сделать нельзя, вроде.

Можно, правда я не помню как, но я делал. Там как-то через экран с боссом перекидывают.
Вот что мне никогда не удавалось, так это высокий прыжок, где надо подкидывать библиотекаря в воздух, и он будет одаривать разным добром.
It's nice to be important but more important to be nice.
31 марта 2008, 08:42
боец с редисками
Стаж: 1 год
Постов: 803
Kingdom hearts 2:FM   RFonline
 ]I[ZELGIOD]I[ @ 31 марта 2008, 01:03 
более крутую экипировку


М? плаща лучше точно нету щита лучше точно нету меч который лучше выбить ОЧЕНЬ сложно броня и амулеты у алукарда тоже отличные...

кстати щитовой посох+щит алукарда чуть ли не самое уберное оружие...

 Swordin @ 31 марта 2008, 07:29 
так это высокий прыжок, где надо подкидывать библиотекаря в воздух

а чего там сложного? во-первых там нужны гравиботы во-вторых он дает-то всего лишь повышалку жизни

Исправлено: Dmitri, 31 марта 2008, 08:47
ну держитесь редиски-я пришел....
31 марта 2008, 09:33
Заклинание большое и круглое.
Стаж: 9 лет
Постов: 366
Fire Emblem: Awakening
на солнце.
 Dmitri @ 31 марта 2008, 07:42 
кстати щитовой посох+щит алукарда чуть ли не самое уберное оружие...

Ну вообще-то самое...
Apologize to the funyarinpa!
31 марта 2008, 11:10
боец с редисками
Стаж: 1 год
Постов: 803
Kingdom hearts 2:FM   RFonline
 Flay @ 31 марта 2008, 08:33 

Ну вообще-то самое...

2 волновых(у которых 3 удара за раз) меча все-таки круче...
ну держитесь редиски-я пришел....
31 марта 2008, 11:12
МБВМ strikes back
Стаж: 8 лет
Постов: 1156
Demon's Soul
Письма фанатов, признания в любви и т.д.
Просто нажимаешь вниз вверх Х и все.он даст макс.Хп,броню дракулы,броню лорда,и чего та еще.точно не помню.
31 марта 2008, 11:42
боец с редисками
Стаж: 1 год
Постов: 803
Kingdom hearts 2:FM   RFonline
 INFERNO @ 31 марта 2008, 10:12 
броню дракулы,броню лорда

чегоооооооо?????? он дает только повышалку хп и фсе.......
ну держитесь редиски-я пришел....
31 марта 2008, 11:59
Want emancipation?
Стаж: 17 лет
Постов: 1696
Persona 5
* Infinite Money Trick * (Also works on Saturn!)

 OK, let's mention it after all. :)

 All good glitches in this game seem to involve the Sword Brothers spell,
and this is no exception. Make sure you have at least one jewel of some
sort (Diamonds obviously work the best), then head for the Master
Librarian's room. Cast the Sword Brothers spell, then talk to the Librarian
during the spell's animation. Select the option to sell jewels. If
necessary, sell all but one of one kind of jewel. Then, push Start to
enter the equipment menu (this doesn't normally work; that's what the SB
spell was for.)
 Equip your remaining jewel, then exit the equipment menu (Saturn players:
you MUST use the Start button to exit the pause menu, not the B button.)
Choose to sell your last jewel, then exit the Librarian's menus.
 You will now find that you have 255 of that jewel. I don't think I need
to tell you what you can do with 255 diamonds...

* Wolf Bounce * (Also works on Saturn!)

 Here's a neat trick you can use to get to a few areas before you were
meant to. When Alucard (in Wolf form) returns to human form in mid-air,
pushing D + Jump will allow you to do the Leap Stone Stomp... even if you
don't have the Leap Stone!
 If you bounce off of the candles in the Giant Clock Room, you can get to
the Alucart equipment and Olrox's Quarters without having gotten the Leap
Stone first.

* Keep Your Alucard Equipment *

 Well, I finally got this to work. Start a game with the 99 Luck code (see
above). Then, when you get to the room with the 3 Wargs (before the room
with Death), kill them all. Then, unequip everything but the Alucard Sword,
the Necklace of J, and the Twilight Cloak, leaving you with a DEF rating of
12. Turn around, exit left, and return to this room. Kill the first Warg,
then jump over the second. If you got hit (and you most likely will), use
either a Pot Roast or a Turkey to heal so this next part won't kill you.
After you jump the second Warg, stand there and let it lunge at you. It
should send you flying out of the room and past Death.
 You will be unable to go to the Menu screen until you save the game, so
head to the nearest Save Point and save. Also, if you ever enter the room
with Death again, he'll steal your equipment anyway unless you undertake
the optional battle with Gaibon and Slogra (see the walkthrough for more

Перевод: Наконец-то у меня получилось. Начните игру с кодом на 99 Luck (см. выше).
Затем, когда вы находитесь в комнате с 3 Warg'ами (перед комнатой со смертью), убейте их всех.
Снимите всю экипировку кроме Alucard Sword, Necklace of J и Twilight Cloak, что сделает вашу защиту (DEF) равной 12. Повернитесь и идите налево. Перезайдите в комнату. Убейте первого Warg'а и перепрыгните через второго.
Если Вас ударят (что произойдет скорее всего), используйте либо Pot Roast, либо Turkey для того чтобы не умереть от предстоящих махинаций. После того как перепрыгнете через второго Warg'а, встаньте и дайте ему вас толкнуть. Это должно помочь Вам вылететь с экрана и перелететь экран со Смертью.

Вам не дадут войти в меню, пока вы не сохраните игру, поэтому идите к ближайшему сэйв поинту и сделайте это.
Также, если после этого вы войдете в комнату со Смертью повторно, он украдет всю вашу экипировку. Для того чтобы этого не случилось нужно убить Gaibon и Slogra.

(Я делал этот трик и без 99 Luck)

* Invisibility *

 Go to one of the Portals, and use a Library Card. After Alucard does his
animation, but before the pillar of light appears, press Up to teleport.
When you come out of the teleport, you'll be invisible. After a while,
you'll be able to control Alucard, but only his sword and shield will be
visible. This will last until you leave the CD hallway adjacent to the

* Outer Wall CD Load Room Glitch * (Sort of works on Saturn)

 This is kind of tricky to pull off. Enter the CD load hallway connecting
the Outer Wall and the Portal there, then turn into a Wolf. Get as close as
you possibly can to the right exit without changing screens. Then, jump
straight up, and push right at the height of the jump to change
screens. Immediately after pushing right, hold down and left.
 If done correctly, instead of ending up on the platform next to the door
that leads to the CD load room, you'll end up on the slope directly
underneath the CD load room. (Saturn players will find themselves warped
back to the middle of the CD load room.)

 This also works in the Reverse Outer Wall

* The Bat Glitch * (Untested on Saturn)

 Immediately when collecting a Relic or a Life/Heart Max Up, morph into
bat form. Uh... just try this for yourself.

  When you're done laughing, try this. Walk up to a Relic or Max Up in
Wolf form, then turn into Bat form as above. Um... again, just see this
for yourself.

* The battle will never end! * (Untested on Saturn)

 Save before you get into the battle with Richter and Shaft. Once there,
see how many hits it will take you to defeat Shaft's orb. Then, reload and
get into the battle again. This time, knock both Shaft and Richter down
until one hit will kill them. Then equip a Bomb-type weapon (a Pentagram
will do nicely), then activate it to kill both of them at once.
 Despite Richter's bloody death, the game will continue normally as if
you had simply defeated Shaft. That is, until you decide to re-enter
Richter's chamber (coming from the direction of the broken stairway).
You'll find Richter waiting for you again!
 At that point, you can either take out Richter or Shaft (or both).
Either way, after you beat them, nothing will happen and you'll be stuck
in Richter's room. Use a Library Card to exit.
 I was told that you need to save after fighting the second Richter
battle to clear out this glitch, but I didn't check what exactly happens
if you go back to Richter's chamber without saving. I suppose you'd get
to fight Richter again, but I'll find out for the next update.

* Beat the game with only four Vlad relics? * (Original Japanese PSX only)

 I have been told that on the original Japanese PSX version, you do not
need to collect the Eye of Vlad to get into Dracula's chamber. (You still
need to defeat Death, however.) This does not work on any of the later

* Extra Life/Heart Max Ups * (Saturn Version Only)

 Here's a neat trick for Saturn players. Start a Richter or Maria game,
and collect the two Life Max Ups in the Entrance (and the Heart Max Up too,
if you like.) Then, go to the Alchemy Laboratory, then return to the
Entrance to find that all three of the Max Ups have returned!

* Muramasa Glitch *

 Equip the Muramasa, then unequip it using the Empty Hand. You'll still be
in permanent Dark Metamorphosis, although you won't be able to get enemies
to bleed with your fists. You can use cutting subweapons like the Dagger or
the Axe though, and any blood you absorb this way will still count for
powering up your Muramasa.

::: The Great Percentage Race :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

 This section is devoted to the amazingly popular pastime of filling up
the map screen with white squares. While some of these tricks seem on the
surface to be similar to the various "hidden worlds" tricks in the original
Metroid, in CSOTN you will very rarely find any actual new areas to explore.
But there are a few minor exceptions...
 Note that these sections are not intended to be the complete guide to
percentage glitching. For more information you should visit the following
sites (warning: these links may change long before I update the FAQ again,
and in fact PaleDim's site was down as this update "went to press.")

Machinegun's Glitch Site - http://www.geocities.com/machinegunsg/
PaleDim's Maps and Glitch FAQ - http://home.golden.net/~maggi/map.html

 Once again, unless otherwise noted, these glitches will only work on PSX
versions of the game.

* Sword Familiar Glitch *

 While the Sword Familiar Glitch is probably the least important of the
percentage hunting glitches, it is the classic one, and probably a good
start for those who have just begun the art of glitching.

 Head back to the Royal Chapel. At the very bottom of the first bell tower,
walk up to the left exit (but don't enter.) Activate the Sword Familiar, and
cast the Sword Brothers spell. Any time after the Sword begins its circling
animation, you can walk left, and instead of switching screens, you'll
simply waltz right out of the castle. (Contrary to previous versions of
this FAQ, it is not necessary for you to be in Bat form for this trick to
work.) If you did in fact switch screens, either your Sword Familiar's
level is too low (it must be 90 or higher), or you walked too soon. Quickly
change screens and wait a while longer, then try again. This trick also
works at this same spot in the inverted castle.
 You can get up to 210.2% this way, but that's just where the fun begins.
By using the Shield Rod or Mablung Sword along with the Alucard Shield, you
can trigger even more rooms on the map. Just about anywhere you're "falling"
at the bottom of the screen, or you can gravity jump against the side of
the screen, triggering the Shield Rod Combo will give you an extra room.
(For more details, check out n3m3s1s's Sword Brothers Glitch FAQ at
<a href="gamefaqs.com;://www.gamefaqs.com;" target="_blank"></a> he explains this better than I have.)
 You can rack up a fair bit more percentage that way, but the fun is still
not over. Anyplace you can double jump off the top of the screen, you can
trigger the Shield Rod combo for an extra room... but this often requires
incredible pixel-perfect timing. You need to hit the combo at the height
of Alucard's second Leap Stone jump. If done correctly, Alucard should be
completely invisible, but even that doesn't necessarily mean you were high
enough. If you have the patience, you can get up to 226.0% this way.
 Or you can just cheat. The Heart Refresh works as well as the Alucard
Shield combo, and with a Duplicator and two of them, you can always get your
room. Immediately after the double jump, activate a Heart Refresh. While
the first one is going off, press and hold the other attack button. That
way, the second one will fire off almost immediately after the first one
ends (Alucard will go through a frame of animation in the meantime.) Then,
while the second one is going off, press and hold the first attack
button. Keep alternating in this way until Alucard slowly begins to come
down from the double jump. Since you set of a Heart Refresh at every frame
of animation (if you did this right), you will get the room.

* The Clock Tower Glitch *

 Head for the Clock Tower and open the grate there (see the Frequently
Asked Questions section if you don't know how to do this.) Then, stand in
the area where the grate used to be, then using either the Axe subweapon
or a Bomb-type weapon (Power of Sire, etc.) hit the gear above the doorway.
This will cause the grate to close again, pushing you through the floor.

 You can do a similar trick in the Inverted Castle. This time, click all
three gears except the one closest to the grate. Now, walk up to the grate
and hold right while continuously firing off the Power of Sire (Axe,
whatever). If you do this right, you'll enter the next room, but the grate
will be closed again when you try to return, and you'll get forced into the
ceiling. (You can also do this with Richter.)

* The Wolf Glitch *

 This is an extremely difficult glitch to pull off, so fortunately in most
where the Wolf Glitch comes in handy you can use the slower but easier
Double Heart Refresh glitch instead. :)
 Anyway, here's how this works. Any place you can find a stairway,
transform into Wolf form, then dash at the stairway. Right before you reach
it, tap the jump button and transform back into Alucard. If you timed it
right, you'll find yourself stuck under the floor. From here you can use
Heart Refreshes to grab some white rooms on your map underneath whatever
room you're actually in.
 This is very difficult to explain, so I recommend checking out
Machinegun's website for a better explanation (with pictures! :)

 What makes the Wolf Glitch somewhat more interesting is that you can use
to do some interesting things (like get Alucard into that little space
underneath the grate at the beginning of the game, or skip Richter and go
directly to the second castle, etc.) I'll explain these in more detail

* The Double Heart Refresh Glitch * (Also works on Saturn!)

 While the slowness of this trick makes it almost as annoying to pull off
as the extremely difficult to time Wolf Glitch, this one is much easier to
do. We've already seen the Double Heart Refresh trick earlier, but here's
how to use it as a "replacement" for the Wolf Glitch:
 First, equip two Heart Refreshes and a Duplicator. Find a doorway, then
jump toward it as if you wanted to jump into the next screen. Before you
switch screens though, activate a Heart Refresh. While that one is going
off, press and hold down the other attack button. When the second Heart
Refresh goes off, press and hold down the first attack button. Continue
doing this, but be sure you hold the directional pad toward the doorway.
 You'll notice between Heart Refreshes that Alucard will get in a frame of
animation. However, the next screen will never load if you do it right, and
once Alucard starts his landing animation he'll continue to sink down into
the floor. Once he gets to the bottom of the screen, you can stop Heart

 This will also if you start using the Heart Refreshes as you're falling
off the bottom of the screen. If you do enough, you'll end up at the bottom
of the screen below once you stop Heart Refreshing. Use too many and...

* The White Waterfall * (Also works on Saturn!)

 This is usually considered cheating by most percentage glitchers. Start a
Double Heart Refresh as described above, but this time keep on using
them. For about every 35 or so Heart Refreshes you use before stopping, a
new room will get highlighted on the map. Basically, given any room in the
castle, you can create a "white waterfall" underneath it all the way down
to the bottom of the map if you're persistent enough.

* The Elevator Glitch * (Original Japanese Version Only)

 Equip a weapon like the Estoc that has a dash move (either by default or
by a B, F + Attack motion.) Then head for the Outer Wall elevator. Trigger
the dash attack so that you'll dash across the elevator, but hold down as
you do so. The elevator will head downward, and so will Alucard... but
Alucard won't be in the elevator! He'll end up outside the Outer Wall.
 This won't work on any of the newer versions of the game, but the rooms
you can get from this trick can still be obtained via the Wolf Glitch.

* The Wolf Dash Trick * (Saturn Version Only)

 If you compare the map of the Inverted Caverns on the Saturn version to
the maps of the PSX version, you'll notice that three rooms are missing in
the Saturn version. Two of them are in the long hallway that leads to the
Force of Echo. They're easy to pick out on the automap, since they're the
two rooms missing on the top row. The other is early on in the hallway with
the $2000 bag. (I haven't been able to get the one there, however.)

 To get them, you'll need to do a wolf super-jump, which works something
like this. Find a steep slope (it doesn't need to be large, just fairly
steep.) Then, from about half-screen away (it may try some trial and error
to find the right spot), do the D, DF, F + Attack Wolf Smash. Jump _just_
before you hit the slope and your Wolf should go flying into the
ceiling. :)

* The Sword Brothers Save Glitch *

 This was found on a Japanese site somewhere, and since I can't read
Japanese all I have to go on is a Babelfish translation. Apparently the point
of this trick was to get an Alucard with exceptionally high stats. However
nobody has reported having this happen. What usually _does_ happen is that
your map screen will get scrambled (mine was completely scrambled, although
partial scrambling seems to be more common), and you can re-explore any
"lost" areas to increase your percentage. On occasion, you may also find
that any items you've collected will be reset, so you can collect them
again. (Note that since you can get practically infinite percentage without
actually finding any new rooms using this glitch, it is usually not
considered to be a "legitimate" percentage glitch.)

THIS ON! This trick _is guaranteed_ to make a mess of your save, and there's
no guarantee that it will be a good mess. You might want to back up any
other saves on the memory card you don't want to lose as well.
 With that out of the way, it goes something like this:

0) MAKE A BACKUP! (You have been warned!)
1) Head for a save room.
2) Cast the Sword Brothers spell. Like the Infinite Money trick, this allows
  you to enter the pause menu during times when you normally couldn't.
3) Start a save.
4) While the save is in progress, enter the equipment menu and change your
  equipment around. (What exactly you're supposed to do here is unclear
  at the moment. Try switching stuff around, leaving the pause menu
  entirely, coming back, switching more stuff around, etc.) Equipping the
  AxeLord Armor somewhere along the way seems to be the best way to get
  something interesting to happen.
5) When you're tired of fooling with the equipment menu, exit the pause
  menu and let the save finish.
6) Restart the game, and attempt to reload.

 While you can do this on the Saturn version, it doesn't actually seem to
affect your save in any way.

Исправлено: belforrrr, 31 марта 2008, 12:31
31 марта 2008, 14:45
Do Expect Me To Talk?
Стаж: 13 лет
Постов: 7482
NBA Live 18 (PS4), Risen 3 (PS3)
138-й платиной
 Dmitri @ 31 марта 2008, 10:42 
чегоооооооо?????? он дает только повышалку хп и фсе.......

Ты не прав, а INFERNO верно говорит.
It's nice to be important but more important to be nice.
31 марта 2008, 15:29
Стаж: 5 месяцев
Постов: 11
Ну вот я пока бегаю с мечом "Терминус эст".Лезвие у него фиолетовое,а ручка красная,ещё написано что он отравленный.Он будет сильнее меча Алукарда.Щит у меня "Голова Горгоны".Он тоже мощнее щита Алукарда да и ещё плюс он умеет коцать врагов,если его видвинуть вперёд.Даже жезл слабее будет этого меча+щита с головой Горгоны.А вот броня-Алукарда.Просто может глюк,а может и нет,я нашёл их 2 штуки.Первая была в нормальном замке-она была слабее,а вот вторая находилась в перевёрнутом-она оказалась мощнее всех которые я носил до этого.Шлем у меня Алукарда.плащ оказался тоже мощнее того,который умеет менять цвет.Амулет я ещё не нашёл,но мне кажется есть и посильнее.Родной амулет всего-лишь добавляет +5 к защите.Зато я нашёл какой-то браслет который добавляет +15 к атаке.Так что не вся экипировка у Алукарда идеальна:).

 INFERNO @ 31 марта 2008, 12:12 
он даст макс.Хп,броню дракулы,броню лорда,и чего та еще.точно не помню.

Он мне тоже давал только зелье.Никакой брони я от него не полчил :wow:
31 марта 2008, 15:34
Want emancipation?
Стаж: 17 лет
Постов: 1696
Persona 5
 ]I[ZELGIOD]I[ @ 31 марта 2008, 14:29 
Зато я нашёл какой-то браслет который добавляет +15 к атаке.

Есть колечко из врагов можно выбить - Ring Of Varda называется. Наверное самое лучшее кольцо в игре.

Ring of Varda                   Type: Accessory
STR +30         CON +10         INT +30         LCK +5
ATT +10         DEF +10
Golden ring to rule over all!
- This ring is sick. Two of these plus the Crissaegrim and...
- Apparently only obtainable on "Clear" and "Replay" saves. See the
 "Getting a Ring of Varda" heading under the "Misc. Alucard Tips" section
 for more details.
Drop: Paranthropus

Если два одеть, то ваще сила получается =)

Исправлено: belforrrr, 31 марта 2008, 15:36
31 марта 2008, 16:20
боец с редисками
Стаж: 1 год
Постов: 803
Kingdom hearts 2:FM   RFonline
"Голова Горгоны".Он тоже мощнее щита Алукарда да и ещё плюс он умеет коцать врагов,если его видвинуть вперёд.Даже жезл слабее будет этого меча+щита с головой Горгоны

ты знаешь как использовать щитовой посох?
одевается посох и щит
потом нажиматся кнопки атаки правой и левой рукой одновременно..
поверь щит алукарда коцает ЗАШИБИСЬ как

Первая была в нормальном замке-она была слабее

и щит и меч ты там нашел?
это вобще не алукардовские вещи они так и называются-alukarT аrmor
ну держитесь редиски-я пришел....
31 марта 2008, 17:40
Do Expect Me To Talk?
Стаж: 13 лет
Постов: 7482
NBA Live 18 (PS4), Risen 3 (PS3)
138-й платиной
 ]I[ZELGIOD]I[ @ 31 марта 2008, 14:29 
Он мне тоже давал только зелье.Никакой брони я от него не полчил

Насколько я помню, его надо ударить несколько раз (25 что ли, не помню), но не касаясь земли ни разу.
It's nice to be important but more important to be nice.
31 марта 2008, 17:42
Стаж: 10 лет
Постов: 1071
не в Hearthstone )
Game the Throne
 belforrrr @ 31 марта 2008, 14:34 
Есть колечко из врагов можно выбить - Ring Of Varda называется. Наверное самое лучшее кольцо в игре.

Сколько раз это кольцо пытался выбить, ни разу не получалось.
Кто был более удачен?
31 марта 2008, 17:53
Do Expect Me To Talk?
Стаж: 13 лет
Постов: 7482
NBA Live 18 (PS4), Risen 3 (PS3)
138-й платиной
 Ferum @ 31 марта 2008, 16:42 
Кто был более удачен?

Очень долго, но выбивал и даже два. Просто задался такой целью. (Что-то мне захотелось её снова пройти).
It's nice to be important but more important to be nice.
FFF Форум » JRPG » Castlevania (У кого какие впечатления остались?)Сообщений: 87  *  Дата создания: 30 марта 2008, 18:01  *  Автор: ]I[ZELGIOD]I[
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